Monday, October 14, 2013

Baby schedule at 4 months

Ok this his updated schedule:

05:00 - he wakes up. I feed him.

05:15 - I open up his diaper and lay him diaper-less on the bed. He plays by himself, usually squeaking at the top of his lungs. I usually lay down on my bed and try to rest.

06:15 - by this time he would have peed twice or so, I clean his bum, put on a cloth diaper, feed him, and he usually dozes off for 20-30 minutes while feeding

07:00 - he wakes up, and I leave him playing on his own again.

07:45 - I feed him again, not a lot though.

08:00 - I change his diaper and the nanny carries him to sleep.

11:00 - he wakes up, change his diaper, feed him again. 

11:30 - he plays on his own in his rocker while I eat lunch.

12:30 - tummy time, then feed him again a little. Then we play. Change his diaper and feed again.

14:00 - I give him to the nanny, she carries him to sleep.

16:30 - I feed him a bit just so he's not hungry at bath time.

17:00 - Bath. This is a bit early but he gets cranky when he's bathed too near his bedtime. Put on diapers and pajamas. Read a story, tummy time.

18:00 - last feeding before going to bed.

19:00 - he's out.

Then he wakes up once between then and 5 AM.

My only complaint is: whyyyyy does he have to wake up sooooo early.

October updates

My goodness blog, I have not been good to you. I was simply occupied

Ok let's get down to business, updates!
  • First off, happy bday to me! It was my bday 2 days ago. The boy woke up for a feeding at 11:50 PM on Oct 11, and finished at 12:05 AM. I guess he wanted to be the first to wish me a happy bday......awwwwww. Just spent the day home taking care of my baby, and had dominos delivery for dinner and watched a movie with A. Fancy!
  • Jimmy went on his first flight on Sep 19 (3.5 months) to Bali! More on this later.
  • Jimmy is now 4.5 months! What can he do now hmmm.....he can finally do some tummy time (as in actually lifting his head). He squeaks and screams A LOT. And most importantly, his neck is wayyyyyy stronger so he can hold his head. This is so helpful when we carry him. Oh and he's way heavier, at 6.5 kg now. This was a huge increase from our last 2 month check-up, he actually jumped 1 curve up. Good job baby!
  • I have been using cloth diapers more now during the day, and using disposable diapers at night. More on this later.
  • Jimmy still hasn't been able to nap on his own =( but he sleeps well at night and only wakes up once.
  • He got his vaccines a week ago and thank God he didn't have a fever after. He was a champ, only cried for 3 seconds. While mommy couldn't even watch.
  • I have been pumping way less now, only once at night.
  • We've started bottle feeding a little bit, but Jimmy still needs to get used to it.
I guess that's all for now, I'm tired, the boy woke up at 4:30 AM today and puked like never before. I panicked and woke A up. A held him and baby J was all smiles. I guess he was fine.