Jimmy is almost 2.5 months now! I'm trying to establish a daily routine, but we're not quite there yet. He has a fixed routine at night, but it's chaos during daytime. This is what we've been doing so far the past few days:
06:00 - he wakes up. On the dot most of the time. Change his diaper, feed him, and he usually poops at this hour.
06:30 - I lay him down in his crib and let him finish his business while I shower.
06:45 - I clean his bum, strip him naked, open the curtains, and let him suntan on the mattress in his room (his room has a full size window). Meanwhile I vacuum our apartment.
07:05 - I close the curtains and still let him lay there naked so his bum gets some air time. I quickly mop, do dishes and sometimes laundry.
07:25 - put diapers on, feed him and he usually falls asleep while feeding. Now the challenge is to make him nap on the mattress by himself. Sometimes he's willing to sleep on his tummy, but most of the time, he only wants to nap in my arms.
08:00 onwards - chaos. No schedule. Feeding, nap, singing, dancing.
17:00 - clean him up, bathe him.
17:30 - wind down, swaddle him, feed him.
18:30 - 12:30 -- he sleeps (praise the Lord!). I usually eat, do dishes, pump, spend time with husband, and fall asleep around 20:30.
12:30 -- change his diaper, feed. I pump after he falls asleep.
01:00 - 06:00 -- sleep. And the day starts all over again!